5 Ways Not To Go Crazy Working From Home

I never thought I would be saying this, but working from home full-time takes some serious getting used to. About a year ago, I was offered a new position within my company and shortly after wards was offered to work from home since I had no team reporting to me at the office. I jumped at the opportunity and set up shop at home....living in a one bedroom apartment, I had to make the kitchen table my new work space...but with a view of the river and my cats around me all day, I was content.
Fast-forward 6 months, the loneliness set in and my opinion changed. I noticed pretty quickly that talking to my cats all day as if they are my co-workers was slowly driving me nuts. But since our office is officially closing I have no choice, but to work from home. 

And so I had to come up with ways to stay motivated and productive. I am still trying to perfect this, but if you can adopt these 5 tips, you may see that the benefits of working from home definitely out-way the disadvantages!

1. Create a comfortable work space
DO NOT WORK IN YOUR BED! If you don't have a separate room to make your office, at least select a space somewhere in your kitchen or living room from which you can work comfortably - maybe by the window - natural light helps me be more alert and prevents headaches! Or if you don't need to be available for conference calls, pick a cute cafe that offers free WIFI and go there a few times a week!

2. Follow a Routine
Having a set routine after I get up for work every morning is really important for me to start my day. I could just roll out of bed to turn my laptop on, but taking a shower, making breakfast, and watching some news helps me feel  like I am getting ready for the office. I also get out of my PJ's so I don't constantly feel like it's nap time!

3. Break Up Your Day
My work day is from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. so there really is no flexibility around that. However, I do get an hour lunch break that I can take whenever I choose to. So to break up my day, I try to leave the house during that hour - I schedule doctor's appointments or meet a friend for coffee. Another great way for me to get away from my computer is to take a yoga class online at home.

4. Background Noise
Like I said, it can get pretty lonely all by myself at home, so to cut the silence or rather the humming of the fridge, I play music throughout the day. I like to change it up depending on what tasks I work on. If I have to concentrate, I listen to some of my mediation play lists that I found on YouTube. Or I stream various radio channels. Either way, I need some kind of noise to help me not go crazy!

5. Reward Yourself
I try to set goals throughout the day - like finishing all my emails by 10 a.m. or working on projects in certain time increments. Once I meet those goals, I reward myself with a snack or coffee, blogging, or cuddling with my fur babies!

Hope these tips help you if you are a remote worker or thinking about changing careers that allow this type of work environment! - Love, Lena


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