Conversation Series - Interview with a Yogi

Today's post is the first one in my Conversation Series, for which I will be teaming up with experts in certain fields to learn about their world.  For my first interview, I met up with a very special person from whom I have learned a lot over the last year and a half. Holly and I haven't known each other for a very long time, but she has such an amazing way about her that it feels like I have known her forever.

I had taken different yoga classes in the past, but not until Holly shared her practice with me, did it really click - she made me experience yoga on a deeper level and I was hooked!

Lena: How long have you been practicing and teaching yoga?
Holly: Practicing for 20 years and teaching for just coming up on four years this September.

Lena: What made you discover yoga?
Holly: A friend of mine, who went on to becoming my instructor - she brought me to my first class - that was it -
Lena: Love at first site!
Holly: Yes - love at first pose :)

Lena: Where do you get your inspiration from, when you plan your classes? As your student I always wonder - every class is a bit different; does it depend on the audience?
Holly: It comes from different sources...sometimes I role my mat out and see what feels good to me and what kind of playfulness I can incorporate. Other times it can depend on if there is a particular event going on in the world that is effecting us all. I might also base it on a quote that I find meaningful....I'm always looking at different sites on Instagram or other sites on the world wide web, you know for different poses - mostly from there anything that feels good to me translates to other bodies, as well
L: I've definitely noticed that when there are certain things going on in the world and I come to your class, somehow it touches all of us and I love that!

L: What would you tell someone saying they can't do yoga because they aren't flexible or strong enough?
H: Well, my favorite response to that is that it's like saying you are too dirty to take a bath. So, the people who think they can't do it, are really, essentially the people who need it most. It is not about destination, but just about that whole process - the flow and your breath.

L: Where can our readers come practice with you  - where do you teach?
H: I am always available for private lessons. I am also at Robert Wood Johnson Fitness & Wellness in New Brunswick and teach at Verizon, where I do corporate classes. I also do senior classes and children's yoga. I am always just an email away.
(Up until last weekend Holly also taught Outdoor Yoga at the Spa at Little River, which will start up again next Spring.)

L: What are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to class etiquette?
H: **laughing** Welllll...I did have a scenario a few weeks ago, at Robert Wood Johnson...
L: Hopefully it wasn't me!!!
H: No of course not! It threw me for a loop...we were out in the open air (classes are held on the roof top parking deck - weather permitting) and you can always pick up a vibe when someone's not really feeling it...not committing this gentleman, took it upon himself to go to the back of the class and proceeded searching through his phone for the remainder of class...which is his prerogative, but it did just kind of throw me off. You know, I am a people-pleaser and when I know that someone is not into it, I take it personal and then I find myself trying to lure that person back in and it takes away from the others who are really fully committed. I don't have a problem if you want to leave, but kindly just excuse yourself out of class, rather than staying and not be 100% committed.

L: I actually recently introduced a really good friend of mine to my practice. She likes having her phone near, so when we stepped into the yoga studio together, I stopped and told her "Rule #1 - do not check your phone during class!" She left her phone outside and did so well during her first hot yoga class - being fully engaged and in the moment!
H: Yeah, I definitely would say that is my biggest pet peeve..both on and off the mat. I find that our culture is just heavily obsessed with social media, computers, phones, whatever it is...I try to limit my time because I don't feel that strongly of an urge...I am more analog. Like Library books! I feel like people come to yoga to escape all that so it does deter from the class.

L: What advice would you give someone thinking about teacher training?
H: For one, to really investigate and find a proper fit of school. You are spending quite a portion of financial resources and it is also a large time investment so your studio has to be a good fit.
L: Would you recommend it to someone who is not looking to teach, but to deepen their own practice?
H; Absolutely! And I find so many people say that to me. But I also feel like if you're going to invest that much, then you might as well just bite the bullet and teach your first class because that is always the hardest. And if you went through all that...just get a couple classes under your belt so that if you ever want to, you haven't let so much time lapse that you are sort of starting fresh when you do jump into teaching. Also, just having that love and passion for spreading the word of yoga has to be an integral part of it.

L: Do you remember your first class that you taught?
H: was the scariest event EVER. It was at Balance Studio and it was of my most filled up classes to date. I probably kicked their asses super hard, just in an attempt to really give a good class! So, I probably have toned it down a lot since then, but I just wanted to make sure they got their money's worth!
L: And how long ago was that?
H: That was like three or three and a half years's a constant evolutionary practice....because even still - and I have been practicing for 20 years - there are a multitude of poses that I can't even begin to get it is a life long journey!

L: You are not only a yoga instructor, but you happen to be my favorite esthetician, too. What treatments do you specialize in?
H: Our main seller [at the Spa at Little River] is the deep cleansing or European facial - you are going to get a really good cleanse - that is our most popular one...I love doing microdermabrasion...that is probably the most effective treatment at the Spa to give you that glow. But really all of the services are wonderful. I just love letting people relax and just get pampered!

L: Which beauty secret would you give your 20 year old self?
H: Oh my gosh there's so many! Probably just to slow 20's were a time of not much rest...which is typical...but yeah probably just tell myself to rest more and try not to burn myself out.
L: Are you really resting enough right now?
H: No! But I have learned to slow down, to take breaks when I need it. Even if I have to force myself...but I have an inversion table, so sometimes on really busy days, I strap myself in, go upside down, and that's how I meditate...I can never just stop and sit, but if I strap myself in, I can't get out. It forces me to be there with nothing else, but deep breathing and relaxing my mind.

L: What are your top 4 beauty products - natural or store bought?
H: My number one beauty product that I love right now comes from my rose garden...rose petals that I soak in almond oil. You soak rose petals in the almond oil for a week. Then you muddle it down, strain it, discard the rose petals, and add's really good for anti-aging, really smooth and light for your face!
My second one would be my home made lip balm that I make and sell at the Spa. All natural - beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, and some other ingredients.

I have really unruly curly hair, so my third item that I can't live without would be a coconut oil hair treatment - it is so cheap and easy...with pure, unrefined coconut oil...brush your hair, add the oil, put on a shower cap, and let it marinate for as long as you can. Then just shampoo it out a few times and you are good to go!
I also love to do heavy duty exfoliation on my either by use of a home made scrub with oatmeal for example...and a next level exfoliation would be a peel. Or even just a mask...I like just these home beauty routines where you can get into your self-care...get in the tub and put on a know just those self-care rituals that I feel are so important. Just having maybe 1 day a week where you would incorporate all of your own favorite beauty products, just getting that time in for yourself...especially for us women...taking care of children, housework, career...we often put ourselves last. So, it doesn't even matter what your items are, but just that you are finding time in your busy schedule to utilize them.

L: How can one book a facial with you?
H: I am available for privates through my email (see below). Or for appointments at the Spa on Saturdays...just contact them to schedule a treatment.
And if you mention this blog, you are entitled to $10 off any facial with me!
L: That sounds great! Thank you! And also available at the Spa are your home made lip balms. Do you sell any other products?
H: Right now just the balms. They are $4 - all natural and we have rotating flavors and varieties...right now we are offering the spa special, which is a balm with the almond oil and rose petals blended in.

L: Well thank you so much Holly....and that's a wrap!!!

***Holly's contact:
Spa at Little River: (732) 257-1600 


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