Sweet Potato Toast Three Ways

I have found that if I start my day off right by eating a healthy breakfast, I usually keep the trend going throughout the day. However, I can't eat the same thing every single day, so I always look for new ideas. Seems like the latest trend is Sweet Potato Toast! Since I LOVE sweet potato, I had to give this a try.
The beta-carotene provides an excellent source of Vitamin A and sweet potatoes are also rich in Vitamin C and dietary fiber. But what I love most about the idea of using sweet potatoes as toast, is how versatile this breakfast can be. You can really top these with anything your little heart desires...avocado, hummus, almond butter, and the list goes on and on!

For today, I prepared these three ways...two sweet and one savory: 
1. Peanut Butter and Banana
2. Fried Egg with Sea Salt and Black Pepper
3. Greek Yogurt and Blueberries

Before putting them in the toaster, I poked each slice with a fork and placed them into the microwave for about 45 seconds. That way they are already soft when they go into the toaster.

The toasting time depends on the strength of your toaster, but I set mine to 5 and they came out perfect! Don't they look amazingly yummy?!

Peanut Butter & Banana and Fried Egg & Sea Salt

Fried Egg & Sea Salt and Greek Yogurt & Blueberries
Sweet Potato Toast

1 peeled sweet potato

1 tablespoon peanut butter (or any other nut butter you like)
a few slices banana

1 fried egg
sprinkles of sea salt and pepper (crushed red pepper tastes great, too)

1 tablespoon plain Greek yogurt
a couple of fresh or thawed frozen blueberries (or really any berry you like)
drizzle of honey

Cut peeled potato into 1/4 inch slices and then poke a few holes into each slice. For this recipe you only need 3 slices. The remaining slices can be stored in an air-tight container in the fridge.
Toast each slice for about 4-5 minutes. You can tell that they are done, when the edges turn slightly brown.
Now "decorate" each slice with your toppings and enjoy while still warm!

Guten Appetit!


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