Weekend Getaway to Nature

Last weekend I was able to check off an item on my bucket-list: to visit the Adirondacks in Upstate New York! I love spontaneous adventures, so when we were invited to stay at Jr's friend's lake house for the weekend, it didn't take much convincing for us to take the six hours drive. I know....SIX hours for just two days seems extreme, but once we were on the road and noticed there was zero traffic because everyone was heading to the beach, the drive went by pretty fast.
Side note: I won't bore you with the details, but WATCH YOUR SPEED when you drive through Pennsylvania....
We ended up at Trout Lake in Hermon, NY which is a tiny town with one little store and a bar that happens to have the best wings! The house was located right on water, with a private deck, canoes, and a boat. In between two state parks, Trout Lake is the perfect destination for hiking, fishing, stand-up paddle boarding, and swimming! Also, the deck made for the BEST location for some out-door yoga and meditation!

What I loved most about being there was the silence...although I'm a city girl at heart, I am drawn to water. The stillness of the lake and lack of traffic noise, was pure relaxation. We get so busy in our day to day lives, that we tend to forget how important it is to disconnect and to recharge our batteries. 

Enjoying nature, listening to the sounds, watching wildlife in their natural habitat, and appreciating this world around us can be super therapeutic. 
We won't be taking another six hour drive any time soon, but I definitely want explore the Tri-state area and all it has to offer some more this summer. 

Some tips for weekend getaways:
Lodging - utilize sites like Home Away and Airbnb to rent affordable houses with a view
Activities - do some research before you go to ensure your destination offers the activities that you are looking for (print out hiking trails, bring bathing suits etc)

Hope this post motivates you to get out and enjoy this beautiful world!
Have a wonderful weekend!


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