Super-Food Fridays - Beets

Happy Friday and welcome to part 2 of my Super-Food Fridays series. Today's recipe is a great Happy Hour appetizer to kick off the weekend. 
What are your plans this weekend? I plan on working on some DIY projects and relaxing by the beach. And having "some" wine to help me forget how much we still need to get done before the wedding :)

Beets were never on my favorite foods list...probably because I only ever tried the canned type and they are nothing compared to the fresh kind! But once I tried a friend's Beet and Feta Salad at a restaurant, I was hooked! Besides their stunning color, they are really easy to prepare. You can either boil, bake, or roast them. I usually cut them up and bake them with some salt, pepper, and olive oil. Pickled, they taste great on sandwiches or in salads, too!

What puts them on the "super-food" list, is that they are a great source of fiber, vitamin C, and magnesium. Also, according to several studies conducted, beets may help reduce the risk of developing cancer and increase the blood flow to the brain (Source: Food Facts)

You can eat this yummy Beet Hummus with pita chips for more of a savory crunch, but I chose Sweet Potato for a gluten-free option.

Beet Hummus


1 roasted beet, chopped (wrap washed beet - without the stem - in aluminum foil and bake in oven on about 375 F for 50 minutes)
1/2 cup of canned chickpeas (drained)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
salt and pepper to taste
chopped green onions for garnish


1. Blend beets, chickpeas, and lemon juice in a food processor.
2. Add olive oil and seasonings and blend until smooth.
3. Depending on consistency, you might want to add a bit more oil and also water.
4. Refrigerate and serve with pita chips or toasted sweet potato slice.

Let me know if you have questions!
Guten Appetit!


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