Super-Food Fridays: Chia

It's finally Friday! And I have another super-food to share with you all :)
It took a couple tries for me to really enjoy these seeds to the fullest. I've tried them in a salad and in smoothies, but neither combination really did it for me. Until I came across tons of Instagram posts that marketed Chia as a pudding!!! A healthy pudding, you say?! Of course I needed to try that!

Chia seeds can vary in price, but I usually find decent sized bags at TJ Maxx or on Amazon for under $10. A little goes a long way with these seeds, since they expand once they come in contact with moisture.

Although tiny in size, Chia is packed with nutrients, such as fiber and protein, but very low in calories. They are usually grown organically and are naturally gluten free (Source: Health Line).

Another reason why they make it on my super food list, is because they are loaded with antioxidants!

I love making the pudding in the evening and then having a bowl for breakfast - topped with any seasonal fresh fruit. This keeps me full until lunch! And how pretty does this look?!

You might need to play around with the consistency when preparing the pudding, but my main advice is to stir the mixture really well before letting it sit in the fridge. Check out the recipe at the bottom of the post!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Chia Seed Pudding

Ingredients for 2 Cups:

1/3 cup dried chia seeds
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut or almond milk
1/2 packet Stevia (optional)
1 cup of your favorite fruit


1. Add chia, milk, and sweetener into a bowl. Mix well, cover, and let sit in fridge for a few hours.
2. Chop up your favorite fruit and add to pudding. You can really add anything you want - nuts, coconut flakes, chocolate chips etc.


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