Super-Food Fridays: Dragon Fruit

I started being a bit more focused on clean eating in efforts to see how my body might react positively to cutting out processed foods, added sugar, dairy, and gluten. I just want to feel more balanced and healthy overall. And let's be honest - fitting into my wedding dress may or may not have been part of the reason, as well :)
To avoid getting bored by eating the same dishes every day, I started looking into new recipes by targeting so-called "super foods". While some of them have been part of my diet for years (for example: blueberries and kale), many of them I have not tried! 
So, this is my first post in a 4 part series that I will share this month, called Super-Food Fridays!

First up: Pitaya - more commonly known as Dragon Fruit
Not sure why, but I was always intimidated by this does one cut it? How does one eat it?! It's actually very simple. Cut it in half first and then either cut it in cubes, slices, or just scoop it out. It is surprisingly very similar to Kiwi and tastes amazing in a smoothie.
You can get red or white flesh Dragon Fruit. I was hoping for a red fleshed fruit when I grabbed it because it looks so beautiful, but it still has the same nutritional value. Both are packed with antioxidants and aid in a smoother digestive process (source: Organic Facts).

I cut up half of a Dragon Fruit and blended it with only 4 other ingredients and voila! See recipe below!


1/2 of a Dragon Fruit, cut in cubes
1/2 of a frozen banana
1/4 cup of blueberries
a couple of chunks of pineapple
1/4 cup coconut water


Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

Have a great weekend!!!


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