Pregnancy - Tips on How to Enjoy Your Body's Changes

As my second trimester is coming to an end soon, I wanted to open up and share some tips that have made the first couple months of pregnancy a little easier on me. Perhaps there are some soon-to-be-mommies out there who can find some comfort in knowing: "You are not alone"!!! Although I was over-the-moon excited about seeing those two pink lines on the stick, overwhelming emotions soon set in as my body started going through its changes. 
Please remember that everyone's pregnancy is different and these are just things that helped me personally :)
  • Give in to the fact that your clothes will start getting tight - I believe if you look good, you feel good, so wear clothes that fit and are comfortable. Although most maternity clothes are completely overpriced, you don't actually have to spend a fortune:
    • Check if any of your mommy friends still have maternity clothes they are looking to get rid of.
    • Utilize second hand sites like Thred Up or Poshmark. Most of the items I have purchased are brand new, but come at a fraction of their retail price. 
    • Buy basic pieces from Target, Old Navy, H&M that you can mix and match. All three stores have their own maternity line that are fashion forward and decently priced. 
    • For special occasions, visit PinkBlush (see dress below that I recently wore to a wedding).

  • Listen to your body - especially during the first trimester I was shocked by how tired my body felt. I was hardly even showing, but it felt like I was 9 months pregnant. If you regularly exercise, but are just too exhausted, trust the that things will change in a few months. If you are tired, rest! More than likely, you will experience a burst of energy during your second trimester. 

  • Feed your growing baby - especially in the first few months, when your body is in overdrive and you might be experiencing nausea: eat what makes you happy. I completely abandoned my health conscious way of eating because only pizza, bread, and chocolate satisfied me. It was tough to accept, but as most symptoms in pregnancy, this was temporary. As soon as I was in my 13th week of pregnancy, I felt better and was able to adjust my food intake. In order to cope with the nausea, I drank a lot of flavored seltzers and ate tons of fresh fruit. Fresh ginger tea also really helped me. Find what works for you and stock up! Trail mix, oddly enough, was a go-to snack for me, as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! I'm not a doctor or expert, but I can relate to what you may be going through if you are growing a little human inside you :)


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