About Lena:

I moved to the US from Berlin, Germany when I was 19 and decided to make New Jersey my new "home" after I graduated from college and became rooted in a good job.

I strongly believe that my up-bringing in Berlin and frequent visits to see my family make me yearn for feeling "at home" somewhere. It is a profound feeling of "Heimweh" or ironically "Fernweh" that one can only understand when growing up in, and having your heart attached to, more than one place. The German word "Fernweh" does not have a direct English translation, but can be explained as an ache for distant places, where as "Heimweh" means being home sick. I quench my thirst for other cultures by traveling and experiencing new things as often as I can. My other passion, besides travel, is my yoga practice, which has profoundly changed my life - not only physically, but mostly on an emotional level. 

About this site:

This site represents my journey to a healthier and happier life. I am using this as a platform to share my experiences and discoveries with you. From travel tips, to (mostly) healthy cooking, and exploring a lifestyle centered around well-being, I hope my readers enjoy following this German on her journey :)
If you let your heart and passion lead you, happiness will most likely be the result. 


  1. Proud of you!!!! Love this and love you!!!

  2. Lena! I just love love LOVE! You are so beautiful. I can't wait to see more!

  3. I am loving this Lena. You are so beautiful. I can't wait to see more!

  4. Love this babe! Proud of you! Love you. XOXO


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