A Boost of Healthy Energy
Today I want to share 2 recipes I came up with recently that provide a boost of energy and only have 4 ingredients! Although getting up early comes easy to me, I do like my caffeine when I roll out of bed, so I experimented with combining my morning latte with my breakfast and loved the result: Coffee Protein Shake - packed with plant based protein, potassium, and very little sugar. The second recipe came about, since I started working from home. I am definitely not the most disciplined person when it comes to...um, anything...., so to keep myself from eating junk all day, I need to have healthy and quick snacks readily available. After getting inspired on Pinterest, I came up with my own version of Energy Bites. So here we go: For the Coffee Protein Shake, you can pretty much substitute for half of the ingredients that I use. I really like the Vega Protein & Greens protein powder,since it is plant based and only has 2 grams of sugar per serving. Also...