
Showing posts from 2019

Easy Peasy Mommy Meals

I am now almost 5 months postpartum and still trying to figure this whole "mom-thing" out. Most people don't talk about how challenging it can be to juggle being a mother and partner AND to also still be your own person. My life has changed a lot and while I absolutely love my son and new family dynamic, I struggle with finding time and energy to dedicate to the things that made me "me" pre-baby. One of those things being: eating healthy and balanced meals. I was in, what I believe to have been, the best shape of my life pre-pregnancy, which was partially due to a complete lifestyle change a few years back. I adjusted my daily diet and followed a frequent yoga practice. Now, as I am caring for a baby, while also still breastfeeding, I find it rather difficult to revert back to all that. I know I need to give myself time and be kinder to myself, but easier said than done, am I right ladies?! So, the first step to a healthier "me" is to stick to fres...

How to Travel with an Infant

It's hard to believe three months have gone by since our little Peanut was born! What a whirlwind! Motherhood is by far the hardest, but also most fulfilling job I ever had to take on. Between my body healing and having to get used to caring for a newborn, the first couple of weeks were extremely challenging. However, once we got into the swing of things, we decided to take on the challenge of traveling to Florida with the baby! I had pretty low expectations, but can happily report that it went better than I could have imagined! Not only was I able to enjoy the last week of my maternity leave under palm trees, but Jalen got to meet his family from Germany and from Fort Lauderdale for the first time. Win-win, if you ask me! While my last blog post was about traveling during pregnancy, my first post as a mommy is about traveling with an infant!  Plan ahead and research what you can bring on the flight. Most airlines allow you to check car seats & strollers at no extra co...

A Guide to Babymooning!

As I am writing this post, the 10 day countdown to my due date has officially begun. Although time seems to be standing still at this point, it really feels like only a few weeks ago that I was out of my first trimester and was able to really start enjoying my pregnancy. We are extremely anxious to meet our little munchkin and I feel like he will complete this family unit. JR and I have been together for 16 years and I am sure it will be an adjustment to share each other with another little human, but it feels so right to bring a combination of the two of us into this world. We booked our recent trip to Berlin a week before I found out I was pregnant, but I always knew that I wanted us to take a "Baby Moon" if I was lucky enough to conceive. I might have chosen more of a beachy get-away, but since the trip to see our family for Christmas was already booked, it was settled to babymoon in Germany! Following are some tips on how to prepare and enjoy your last vacation...