A Guide to Babymooning!
As I am writing this post, the 10 day countdown to my due date has officially begun. Although time seems to be standing still at this point, it really feels like only a few weeks ago that I was out of my first trimester and was able to really start enjoying my pregnancy. We are extremely anxious to meet our little munchkin and I feel like he will complete this family unit. JR and I have been together for 16 years and I am sure it will be an adjustment to share each other with another little human, but it feels so right to bring a combination of the two of us into this world. We booked our recent trip to Berlin a week before I found out I was pregnant, but I always knew that I wanted us to take a "Baby Moon" if I was lucky enough to conceive. I might have chosen more of a beachy get-away, but since the trip to see our family for Christmas was already booked, it was settled to babymoon in Germany! Following are some tips on how to prepare and enjoy your last vacation...